The world’s first mental wellness program for cyber security professionals has grown in leaps and bounds since it first launched in Australia in 2022, and the US and UK in 2023. Last week, Cybermindz launched its new “RapidReset” program, and this week, its new SteadyShields program is the latest initiative.

Cybermindz,org is dedicated to advancing the mental health and well-being of cybersecurity professionals and related roles, through research, advocacy, and practical support, with the organisation addressing the unique challenges faced by those at the forefront of our digital defences.

Last week we saw the launch of a new program, which I wrote about here, called the “Cybermindz RapidReset”. While RapidReset focuses on mid- and post-incident trauma support and acute stress recovery, the new SteadyShields by Cybermindz program is all about fostering long-term resilience in the challenging cyber environment. billed as offering a specialised post-cyber breach trauma recovery resource for critical cyber teams.

So, why has launched SteadyShields, in more depth?

As the organisation explains, the cybersecurity world is relentless, and mental resilience is not a one-time achievement. It’s a continuous journey, and SteadyShields goes well beyond temporary fixes. 

While wellness apps and ‘mental health days’ have their place, chose a different path, and decided to build a comprehensive, human-delivered program, providing peer-informed and mentored support over an entire year.

This includes bi-weekly drop-in sessions to support our formal training and mentoring.

Accountability and Progress

Key to SteadyShield is the focus on accountability — to oneself and to the team. explains that it understands the importance of tracking and reporting progress, ensuring measurable improvements in mental well-being. This way, it can demonstrate the RoI in both human and organisational terms. 

Sustainable Well-being in the Workplace has designed SteadyShields to seamlessly integrate into the workplace, ensuring it is enjoyable, effective, and sustainable – rebuilding and supporting morale.

Preventative and Restorative – billed as ‘Compassion in Action’

Our programs are both preventive and restorative, aiming to create psychologically safe workplaces. We believe in not just fulfilling the legal duty of care, but also catering to the protective instincts of compassionate leaders for their teams.

A World-Leading, Expert-Backed Approach

Developed by experts in cybersecurity and mental health, explains SteadyShields is a scalable, cost-effective, and evidence-based solution. Delivered by specialists who understand the cyber landscape, it’s Cybermindz’ answer to preventing burnout and skills loss, ensuring teams remain happy and thrive in their roles.

Naturally, Cybermindz is proud to bring SteadyShields to the forefront of cybersecurity well-being, and it welcomes you to Join then in this journey towards stronger, more resilient cyber teams. 

More information is here, and an infographic is below.