has announced the launch of a pioneering initiative designed to support the psychological well-being of cybersecurity teams following major cyber breaches.

Cyber incidents are not just a threat to data and systems, but can also have a profound psychological impact on the teams tasked with defending against them, according to the pioneering mental wellness non-profit organisation,

Recognising this, the organisation’s new “Cybermindz RapidReset” program is billed as offering a specialised post-cyber breach trauma recovery resource for critical cyber teams.

Peter Coroneos, founder of Cybermindz, highlighted the urgent need for such initiatives, stating: “We owe a duty of care to those in frontline cyber roles, the unsung heroes constantly defending against potentially catastrophic attacks. The high levels of stress encountered by cyber defenders during and immediately after a major cyber incident need early and targeted  interventions to shore up their mental resilience and wellbeing.” 

Coroneos explains the RapidReset program utilises the iRest protocol, developed by Dr Richard Miller and with extensive application in the US military for post-trauma in returning veterans and active duty personnel.

“ is bringing this into cybersecurity for the first time. The new RapidReset program is trauma-aware and an essential part of the post-incident response,” Coroneos added.

Dr Andrew Reeves, Cybermindz’ Director of Organisational and Behavioural Research, emphasised the program’s foundation in evidence-based practice. 

“We believe this will make a meaningful contribution to human level cyber defence at a time when our research shows that cyber teams may be burning out faster than frontline healthcare workers. Left unchecked, societal-level impacts may follow. Our peer-informed approach combined with the demonstrated military application of iRest® makes this a timely offering for the cyber community,” said Dr Reeves.

Cybermindz explains the RapidReset program “is set to become an integral part of the support system for cybersecurity professionals, offering them tools, mentoring and strategies to manage stress and build resilience in the face of growing online threats.” 

More information about the RapidReset program and other initiatives by Cybermindz can be found here. is a not-for-profit organisation established in Australia in 2022, and in the US and UK in 2023. It is dedicated to advancing the mental health and well-being of cybersecurity professionals and related roles. Through research, advocacy, and practical support, addresses the unique challenges faced by those at the forefront of our digital defences.

An infographic is below!