Apple makes “A Charlie Brown Christmas” free to watch on Apple TV this year, with US TV viewers previously having been able to watch it on the US ABC TV network, and it won’t be on the US PBS TV network this year either. So, how can people watch this for free this year?

Apple TV is the place to watch Charlie Brown movies and specials this year, with the 58 year old TV movie, A Charlie Brown Christmas, which first aired in 1965 and a yearly Christmas favourite, to air on Apple TV this year. If you’re already a paying subscriber to Apple TV+, you can watch the movie now, but if you aren’t a paying subscriber, Apple will let you watch it from December 16 to December 17 this year, free of charge.

I’m assuming a New York timeframe, which would mean you could watch for 48 hours from 4pm Sydney time on the 16th of December, which dovetails nicely with our weekend here, too.

Most smart TVs and set-top boxes now feature the Apple TV app, just as they do YouTube, Netflix, Disney and other services, and you can watch on any iPhone, iPad, Mac, or any web browser via

If you have an Apple iCloud account, you just log in, find the show and press play.

If you aren’t an iCloud subscriber, you’ll be prompted to make a free account, or you can go to and make a free account.

Here’s the trailer: