Global networking, cloud, and cybersecurity solutions tech titan Cisco is changing how it operates its business, engages with suppliers, and helps customers and communities, focusing on a transition to clean energy, a circular business strategy, resilient ecosystems, energy efficient and more – please watch the video briefing and read on!

Global leader in technology and networking solutions, Cisco, announced late last month the launch of “The Plan for Possible”, its ambitious and comprehensive environmental sustainability strategy that “aims to build a regenerative future.”

The full video briefing is below, but first, let’s take a look at Cisco’s 1 minute and 23 second “The Plan for Possible” video – there’s plenty more of this article below, so please watch and read on!

Cisco notes the prediction that 2023 is “on track to being the hottest year on record,” and the oft-repeated claim there is a “critical need to limit the temperature rise to no more than 1.5C to avoid catastrophic changes to the climate, and we are currently at 1.1C”, and is putting its money where its mouth is by putting its comprehensive new environmental sustainability strategy into practice. 

Stating that “the world needs a sustainable future: one in which we can phase out our reliance on fossil fuels, address a century’s worth of pollution, provide economic opportunity to communities around the world, and align our activities with the physical boundaries of our Earth,” Cisco states “the progress we make in this decade will be critical for future generations.”

Again, Cisco is taking concrete actions to back up its stance, noting that it isn’t just “acknowledging these pressing issues,” but is actually going “beyond the ‘doing no harm’ approach and building a holistic strategy to environmental sustainability,” where “the ‘plan for possible’ includes how the company operates its business, how it engages with suppliers, and how it helps customers and communities reduce their environmental impacts and adapt to a changing world.” 

Mary de Wysocki, Chief Sustainability Officer at Cisco, said: “The world is connected, but we’re suffering from new forms of disconnection: from each other and our health, and from the health of the planet. Fortunately, technology can help us rethink operating and business models in ways that are digital and low carbon, but also improve individual wellbeing and create opportunities for communities. 

“With Cisco technology, we are helping power the world with affordable clean energy through digitising smart grids and smart buildings, we are designing out waste by re-building products from used ones, and we are using the Internet of Things (IoT) to protect the world’s biodiversity.” 

Mary’s blog post on the “Plan for Possible” is here.

Here is Cisco’s video briefing to Asia Pacific and Australian media, which is followed by more information on Cisco’s top three priorities in this area:

Here are Cisco’s three priorities, in its unedited words:

Priority 1: Transition to clean energy

To power the world with renewables, the grid requires updated digital infrastructure to connect diverse, decentralised sources of clean energy. But even as the world electrifies, there is a need to simultaneously reduce the amount of energy used by a connected economy. As a part of this priority, Cisco has set a goal to reach Net Zero across its value chain by 2040, which includes both its suppliers and our customers’ use of energy. 

The company is tackling this with leading energy efficiency innovation, connecting clean energy and digitising the grid and collaborating with customers, partners, and suppliers to accelerate the energy transition. With connectivity at the heart of digitalisation, Cisco is in a unique position to equip businesses with technology solutions that help them achieve their sustainability goals. This includes the Silicon One chip, Cisco’s networking device for AI processing which reduces energy consumption while increasing bandwidth, and Universal Power Over Ethernet (PoE) to optimise energy use for smart buildings. Cisco also is helping its supply chain set GHG reduction targets.

(Note: Cisco states it “has the goal that 80% of Cisco component, manufacturing, and logistics suppliers by spend have a public, absolute GHG emissions reduction target by FY25,” and notes: “we are at 78% as of FY22.”)

Priority 2: Evolve the business to circular 

Cisco aims to transform its business to extend the useful life of its products and provide ongoing services. It aims to do so by adopting and scaling its business models to extend the product value and reduce environmental impacts , investing in technology incubation to be at pace with environmental science and championing a digital, nature-positive value chain. 

The company is on track to achieving its goal of incorporating circular design principles into 100 percent of new products and packaging by 2025. Also, it launched several programs that enable circularity in its value chain: 

– The Cisco Takeback and Reuse Program, which lets customers return hardware that has reached end-of-use, at no cost.  

Green Pay, a circular IT payment solution, that eliminates upfront hardware acquisition costs, offers predictable payments for 5 years, and an incentive of 5 percent. As part of this program, Cisco recovers products free of charge so these can be reused or recycled. 

– Remanufacturing devices through Cisco Refresh to give them a new life for our business and planet. 

Priority 3: Invest in resilient ecosystems 

Recognising the importance of resilient ecosystems and investing in regenerative solutions, Cisco sets its third priority on enabling communities to adapt to climate realities, cultivating talent for the regenerative economy, and deploying technology to protect and restore ecosystems. 

In 2021, Cisco Foundation committed $100 million investment over ten years in climate solutions that already draw down the carbon in the atmosphere and help regenerate depleted ecosystems. 

All of Cisco’s strategic priorities are underpinned by strong governance, embedding sustainability into its operations with the intent to maintain alignment with scientific advancements. 

Please watch the videos above to learn more!