The Star Wars future from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away where robots are an everyday feature of life and a companion to almost everyone will be with us within most of our lifetimes, and if Elon has anything to do with it, that future could be here sooner than we think.

The transcript of what Elon says is below, but first, let’s watch the video he features in:

In the video, Elon says: “The Optimus numbers, (the name Elon has given to his robots) they’re so mind-blowing that you’re like, Is this real?

“Because I actually think the market for humanoid robots is in excess of 10 billion units. More than the number of humans. Because people will each want one, and then there will be others that are involved in industry. $20,000 to $20,000 times 10 billion. $20 trillion. $200 trillion. It’s like bananas numbers.

“That’s why I wonder, what does money even mean at that point? So these things are so profound that they will be recognized. Assuming we do them, if we actually do them, they will be recognized 100 years from now, maybe 1,000 years from now, as fundamental milestones in civilization.

“That’s the level of significance we’re talking about here. So it should be held a couple years.”

So, Elon clearly believes in his robots, and presumably those from other manufacturers, and that they will be a fundamental part of civilisation.

And he seems to suggest that they’ll be recognised – presumably as sentient beings – 100 to 1000 years from now.

As long as humanity doesn’t blow itself up in a nuclear, medical, financial or environmental catastrophe first, the robot revolution will be mechanised!

The image below is from the Optimus page on Wikipedia.