Authentication is a very important part of the modern world, which businesses, online services, security companies and more have taken very seriously with the FIDO 1 and 2 standards, the new “passwordless” passkeys, and physical security keys like Yubikeys from market leader Yubico – and two of its top APJ executives join me to talk about it all and more.

In this article, which is all about Yubico’s gold standard for phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA), stopping account takeovers in their tracks and making secure login easy and available for everyone – AKA modern authentication – I have two great video interviews.

The first with Geoff Schomburgk, regional VP APJ for Yubico, and the second with is with Alex Wilson, the Director of Engineering Solutions AOJ at Yubico.

is at Tech In Gov 2024 re: Yubico keys – we had a great catch up and chat about the state of play in authentication – below the video is the AI-generated summary of our chat – and further down is the video interview with Alex Wilson, too – please watch and read on!

  1. Introduction to Yubico
    Alex Zaharov-Reutt introduces Geoff Schomburgk from Yubico and asks for a recap of what Yubico does for its global customers in 2024. Geoff explains that Yubico provides strong, safe authentication into a range of online services to make the internet safer.
  2. YubiKeys on Display
    Alex asks about the products on display at the Tech in Gov 2024 conference. Geoff describes the YubiKeys, including the basic security key series, the flagship YubiKey 5s, and the biometric key, all providing phishing-resistant authentication.
  3. Phishing-Resistant Authentication
    Alex inquires about the interest in phishing-resistant authentication. Geoff notes that people are asking what it is and how to implement it in their organizations, emphasizing the need for better techniques.
  4. YubiKeys in Consumer Services
    Alex asks about areas where YubiKeys haven’t been implemented. Geoff mentions consumer services like telcos, government and citizen services, and online banking, highlighting the recent support for passkeys in MyGov.
  5. Passkeys and Multi-Factor Authentication
    Alex discusses the use of passkeys on different devices and the possibility of using multiple factors of authentication. Geoff explains that platforms offer different levels of choice, allowing users to register multiple passkeys.
  6. Security and Convenience
    Alex and Geoff discuss the balance between security and convenience, noting that while multi-factor authentication can be more secure, it can also slow down the user experience.
  7. AI and Phishing
    Alex asks about the impact of AI on security. Geoff explains that AI makes phishing more convincing, but Yubico’s phishing-resistant authentication, based on cryptography and FIDO standards, defends against it.
  8. Secure by Design
    Alex mentions the global IT outage with CrowdStrike and asks about making systems more resilient. Geoff emphasizes the importance of secure by design and open standards, which Yubico follows through the FIDO alliance.
  9. Yubico’s Future Plans
    Alex asks about Yubico’s plans for 2024. Geoff mentions a new firmware version for YubiKeys, enhancements for the biometric key, and evolving their as-a-service offering to make deployment easier.
  10. Life Lessons
    Alex asks Geoff about an interesting life lesson. Geoff shares the importance of open-mindedness and following one’s curiosity, which can lead to success.

Now it’s time for my video interview with Alex Wilson, Director of Solutions Engineering, APJ, at Yubico – the AI-generated summary of our chat is below the video interview:

  1. Introduction to Yubico
    Alex Wilson introduces Yubico, explaining that the company provides trusted security keys and physical tokens for global customers to enhance online security.
  2. Sneak Peek of the Panel Discussion on Digital Identity, Data, and Cybercrime and Alex Wilson’s message
    Alex W. discusses the importance of strong authentication for sharing digital identity information across various sectors like government, banking, and health.
    – Strong and simple authentication is crucial for securely sharing data.
  3. Customer Onboarding Journey
    The onboarding process for new Yubico customers involves education, influencing doubters, gathering technical champions, and leveraging security benefits.
    – Education and influence are key to adopting strong authentication methods.
  4. Ease of Use of YubiKeys
    YubiKeys are simple to use, similar to car or house keys. Multiple authentication credentials can be registered to avoid issues if a key is lost.
    – YubiKeys are user-friendly and support multiple credentials for security.
  5. Security of YubiKeys
    YubiKeys are cryptographically protected and cannot be tied to an individual without additional knowledge factors like PINs or biometrics.
    – YubiKeys offer robust security features.
  6. Device Compatibility and Upgrades
    YubiKeys come in various forms (USB-A, USB-C, Lightning, NFC). Users often upgrade due to new computer ports or to support more passkeys and cryptographic capabilities.
    – YubiKeys are versatile and support various devices and protocols.
  7. Encouraging Adoption of Passkeys
    Yubico encourages companies to adopt industry-standard authentication protocols like passkeys. Some Australian services have already integrated passkeys, like MyGov.
    – Education and encouragement are essential for wider adoption of passkeys.
  8. Resilience in Software and Hardware
    Discusses the importance of peer review and open-source practices to make software and hardware more resilient and fault-tolerant.
    – Peer review and open-source practices enhance resilience.
  9. AI in Government and Personal Use
    AI is being used to connect innovation efforts with government operations. In personal use, AI helps with tasks like summarizing interview notes.
    – AI can enhance both government operations and personal productivity.
  10. First Personal Computer
    Alex W. shares his experience with his first personal computer, a Commodore VIC-20, which sparked his interest in IT.
  11. Best Advice Received
    Alex W. emphasizes the importance of meaningful interactions and avoiding negative behavior, as life is not a rehearsal.
  12. Final Message on Authentication
    Alex W. stresses the importance of protecting digital lives through proper authentication, comparing it to securing physical possessions.
    – Proper authentication is essential for digital security.