CRUSH the Memory is a killer AI voice-to-note recorder and app combo to remember everything & TAKE ACTION. You can watch the full interview below – you won’t want to miss this genius idea that I think is so good, I’ve backed two – with the campaign ending on August 15, 2024.

Do you which you could revolutionise your memory with one click of a button, and give yourself a truly useful AI-powered second brain?

Crush the Memory is the latest creation from Erik Kaiser, whose LinkedIn Page is here, too – with my new video interview now embedded directly below this sentence, with the Kickstarter campaign here

Crush – which is short for “Creative Rush”, is a single Button, AI Voice Recorder, with AI-Enhanced Transcriptions, Haptic Feedback, WiFi Sync, with iOS, Android, Web Apps and more!

In my estimation, this is the FIRST true killer AI hardware and software solution out there, and the first true killer AI app since ChatGPT itself. The full video interview is above. Below is an AI-generated summary of our conversation, but for the full effect, please watch the video for yourself!

1. Introduction and discussion of the Crush AI voice-to-note recorder, its features, use cases, and Kickstarter campaign.

  • Introduction of Erik Kaiser and Crush Device
    Erik Kaiser is introduced by Alex as a problem solver with 30 years of experience in self-funded startups. The discussion focuses on his new AI voice-to-note recorder, Crush, which is about to be launched on Kickstarter.
  • Crush Device Features
    Erik explains the features of Crush, a purpose-built device designed to quickly capture thoughts, ideas, or conversations. It is faster than using a phone or pen and paper, and the notes are transcribed in an app or web app.
  • Use Cases and Benefits
    Erik discusses various use cases for Crush, such as in the shower or while driving. He emphasizes the importance of capturing ideas quickly to avoid losing them and the benefits of having a dedicated device for this purpose.|
  • Comparison with Other Devices
    Alex compares Crush with another device called, noting that Crush’s form factor is more wearable and useful. Erik explains that Crush is optimized for speed and ease of use, unlike other devices that may have multiple functions.
  • Pain Points and Market Need
    Erik shares his personal pain points that led to the creation of Crush, such as losing ideas while in the shower or driving. He highlights the lack of existing solutions in the market and the importance of capturing ideas with high fidelity.
  • Kickstarter Campaign and Pricing
    The Kickstarter campaign for Crush is discussed, including the pricing details. The retail price will be USD $129, but it is available for USD $95 on Kickstarter. The campaign ends on August 15, 2024.
  • Subscription and AI Features
    Erik explains the subscription model for the AI Crush service, which is USD $49 for the first 12 months if you buy one from Kickstarter, $29 for the first 12 months if you buy the two pack, and $0 for the first 12 months if you buy the three pack (or more). The service leverages multiple third-party AI features to provide accurate and actionable transcriptions.
  • Design and Engineering
    Erik describes the design and engineering considerations that went into creating Crush, such as its small size, rounded edges, and single button for ease of use. The device also includes a lock button to prevent accidental recordings.

2. Introduction and discussion of the Crush app, its AI features, marketing strategies, user experiences, and future plans.

  • Harry Potter Book and AI Integration
    Erik discusses how the Crush app can transcribe and analyze notes using AI, providing information based on user intent, such as identifying the first book in the Harry Potter series.
  • AI Features in Crush
    Erik explains how the AI in Crush can summarize conversations, identify speakers, and provide insights based on user queries, enhancing productivity and organization.
  • Marketing Ideas Repository
    Erik shares how they use Crush to store and tag marketing ideas, which can later be queried for insights using the AI feature.
  • Store Information Collection
    Erik describes using Crush to collect and analyze information about stores where their products might be sold, streamlining the process of gathering and utilizing this data.
  • Cost of AI Features
    Erik discusses the initial high cost of AI features and how the release of new models has reduced these costs, making it more affordable for users.
  • Pricing Strategy
    Erik outlines the pricing strategy for Crush, including discounts on Kickstarter and plans to reduce costs further as AI technology becomes cheaper.
  • Kickstarter Campaign
    Erik talks about their first Kickstarter campaign, its success, and plans for future campaigns and product launches.
  • Manufacturing and Delivery
    Erik provides details on the manufacturing process and timeline for delivering the product to backers, aiming for completion by the end of September 2024.
  • User Experience and Feedback
    Erik emphasizes the importance of user feedback and how it influences product development and improvements.
  • Affiliate Program
    Erik mentions the launch of an affiliate program to build a community of passionate users who can promote Crush.
  • Future Plans and Optimizations
    Erik discusses plans for hardware and software upgrades, including a new Crush Mini device and improvements in AI and IoT functionalities.
  • Personal Use Cases
    Erik shares personal anecdotes about using Crush in daily life, highlighting its impact on productivity and organization.
  • Apple Watch Integration
    Erik explains the integration of Crush with Apple Watch (for a one-time fee), allowing users to record notes conveniently.
  • Community Building
    Erik views the affiliate program as a way to build a community of users who are invested in the product’s success.
  • Sales and Distribution
    Erik outlines plans for selling Crush on various platforms, including Indiegogo, his website and Amazon, and the importance of reviews and user-generated content.

3. Introduction and promotion of the Crush software tool and its various applications.

  • Introduction to Crush
    Erik introduces Crush, a powerful software tool designed to capture thoughts, make notes, create task lists, and organize ideas into folders. It supports transcription, speaker diarization, summarization, and more.
  • Functionality of Crush
    Crush can transcribe audio files, create notes, and organize them. It also allows users to import iOS notes and manage them within the app. The app is designed to be an accessory to the phone, enhancing its capabilities.
  • Use Cases for Crush
    Various professionals, including CEOs, lawyers, priests, and people with ADHD, find Crush useful for capturing and organizing their thoughts quickly and efficiently.
  • Marketing Strategy
    Alex suggests marketing Crush as a ‘second brain’ to emphasize its capability to enhance cognitive functions and memory.
  • Personal Experiences
    Erik shares personal experiences of using Crush for writing a book, highlighting its ability to organize and retrieve ideas efficiently.
  • Future Enhancements
    Erik expresses enthusiasm for optimizing Crush further based on user feedback and different use cases.
  • Kickstarter Campaign
    Alex encourages viewers to back Crush on Kickstarter, mentioning the discounts available and expressing hope for the campaign to exceed its funding goals.
  • Potential Collaborations
    Alex mentions connecting Erik with Joseph Mallozzi, a sci-fi writer, to explore potential collaborations and further applications of Crush in creative fields.

Please watch the video interview above to learn more!