ReadyTech’s Co-Founder and CEO, Marc Washbourne, explains what the company offers, its people-centric approach, the opportunities AI delivers and so much more, in a great video interview definitely worth your time – so please watch, and read on!

ReadyTech is a global provider of mission-critical SaaS for the education, workforce management, government and justice sectors, whose technologies help customers navigate complexity, while also delivering meaningful outcomes.

Headquartered in Sydney, with offices across Australia, and in New Zealand and the UK, ReadyTech has over 4000 customers, serviced by a global team of 450+ people, and has experienced success and growth for a quarter century.

ReadyTech recognises the key to success lies in cultivating robust connections, which is why it has curated an open ecosystem, empowering expert software providers to seamlessly integrate and innovate with its market-leading technologies, and deliver superior outcomes for its customers.

The company is a true Australian success story, and to learn more about the company, its founding and its mission, I spoke its co-founder and CEO, Marc Washbourne, who has been with the company since its founding in 1999.

The video interview can be seen embedded immediately below, after which is a summary of the topics we spoke about, so please watch and read on!

I started by introducing Marc, welcoming him to the program, and asking him to introduce ReadyTech to us all.

Next, we discussed the types of companies that are ReadyTech’s clients, and what having a people-centric approach means in the 2020s.

With AI such a big topic these days, I asked Marc to share how ReadyTech uses AI in its products and services, and what else AI allows its customers to achieve now that AI is so readily available.

I then wanted to know which of the major AI platforms ReadyTech uses as its foundation, or whether it used its own AI models, and what data it is training its AI systems on, or whether that data is customised to each customers.

Next, we looked at whether there are any dangers with AI, aside from Terminator-style visions of dystopia.

Marc then shared information on customers he wanted to highlight, and anything else we needed to know about ReadyTech.

After sharing how Marc saw ReadyTech evolving in the future, he shared a memory of his first computer, great advice received in life worth sharing, and his final messages to the viewers and readers.

So, please watch the video interview above to learn more!